
Clinical Trials and Studies

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Magnesium Therapy: a Novel Platform for Neuroprotectant Sampling in Acute Stroke


Brief Summary
This investigation will address the safety and feasibility of distal, intra-arterial sampling through endovascular access, in acute stroke patients. Levels of Magnesium will be measured in the region of infarct in patients who had been treated with intravenous Magnesium therapy following an acute stroke. This study attempts to address whether the traditional intravenous means of neuroprotectant administration achieves adequate concentration of the therapeutic agent in the area of diseased tissue.



Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

  • Patient with acute cerebral ischemia due to ICA or MCA occlusion,
  • Patient already enrolled in the NIH FAST-MAG clinical trial,
  • Patient's clinical attending physician plans mechanical embolectomy procedure as part of routine clinical care.
  • Age 40-95 inclusive (age criteria for FAST-MAG Trial).

  • Technical inability to navigate microcatheter to target clot.
  • Patient or surrogate unavailable for consent


  • California

    • University of Southern California University and LA County Hospitals, Los Angeles, California, 90033
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