A pilot study of a mobile app to collect magnetic resonance imaging information in patients with multiple sclerosis


This pilot study examines the ability of a mobile application (app) to collect data from active tasks (such as questionnaires, 6Mapp™, COGapp™, VISapp™) and clinical magnetic resonance imaging information to analyze the extent to which genetics impact subjects with multiple sclerosis. Recruitment to the study will be done through different sources: patient advocacy groups, social media tools, clinicaltrials.gov, and flyers.

Keywords: clinical magnetic resonance imaging, multiple sclerosis

Study Sites

This is a virtual study. Participation is not limited to a location.

  • Men & Women
Age icon

We're sorry, but this trial is no longer enrolling volunteers.

What's involved?

Study length
  • 12 months (1 year)

Number of visits
  • N/A

  • Questionnaires

  • 6Mapp™ task - This app will track the total distance you can walk in six (6) minutes at a comfortable pace and with minimum interruptions. Each time you take the test, you will be asked and reminded to use the same outdoor route for each assessment.

  • COGapp™ task – This task will evaluate your ability to pair six symbols with six digits during a 2-minute test.

  • VISapp™ task – This task will evaluate your ability to see letters and characters accurately. This will take less than 30 seconds to complete.

  • MRI Images Upload

  • After 3 months of participation with at least one complete set of measurements at baseline and another follow up set, you will be qualified to participate in the genetic study carried out by a commercial company 23andMe. 23andMe will be free of charge to you.

  • None

Medical cost coverage

Why participate?

Medical advances are impossible without volunteers.


Must have

  • Carry a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis
  • Possession of smart phone or smart device

Can't have

  • Any concurrent illness that may prevent you from safely completing the tasks

About This Study

There are no costs related to participation except for the costs incurred on your phone data plan if the apps are not accessed via Wi-Fi.

Study Team

Principal Investigator
Daniel Pelletier, MD

For questions about this study, contact:

Research study materials

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