Biobehavioral Mechanisms Underlying Eating Regulation and Obesity Risk


The goal of this study is to better understand how brain functioning relates to mood and eating behaviors in real life. You may be eligible if you experience binge eating or have difficulties controlling your eating behavior.

Keywords: mood, eating behaviors, binge eating

Study Sites

University of Southern California Dana and David Dornsife Cognitive Neuroimaging Center, 3620A McClintock Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90089-1061

  • Men & Women
Age icon
18 - 64

To determine if you may be eligible, please complete a screening here.


What's involved?

Study length
  • -Study visits + 15 days of answering surveys on your smartphone

  • -6-month follow-up survey

Number of visits
  • -1 virtual visit

  • -1 in-person visit

  • -Screening questionnaire

  • -Virtual visit with research staff

  • -Online questionnaires

  • -Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)

  • -15 days of answering surveys on your smartphone

  • -Follow-up online questionnaire 6 months later

  • Compensation is available for successful completion of study protocol.

Medical cost coverage


Must have

  • Binge eating behavior
  • 18 to 64 years old
  • Right-handed
  • Normal or corrected normal vision
  • Can read and speak English

Can't have

  • History of neurological problems or bariatric surgery
  • Medical conditions that would prevent you from participating in an fMRI experiment, such as: pregnancy, claustrophobia, or the presence of any non-removable metal within your body (e.g., braces, pacemaker, etc.)

Study Team

Placeholder image
Principal Investigator
Kathryn Smith

For questions about this study, contact:

Research study materials

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