Healthy Minds Volunteer Database


The Healthy Minds Volunteers ( help research labs at the University of Southern California. These labs are working towards a greater understanding of how aging can affect physical, mental and emotional health. The goal is to learn how we can maintain healthy minds and bodies across our lifespan.

Palabras clave: mental health, emotional health, healthy minds, cognition

Sitios de estudio

University of Southern California - University Park & Health Sciences Campuses 90007

  • Men & Women
Age icon

Why participate?

Los avances médicos son imposibles sin voluntarios.

About This Database

The Healthy Minds Volunteer List is used by various collaborating research labs at the University of Southern California. Together, we are investigating how aging affects vision, decision making, memory, emotion, and physical health. There are a variety of research projects going on at the Davis School of Gerontology and in affiliated departments at USC investigating how aging affects thinking and emotion and what can be done to maintain healthy minds as we age. Our studies typically involve completing various cognitive tasks and answering questionnaires; a few of them also use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to record brain activity while people complete cognitive tasks. Some studies pay volunteers a stipend for their time; others involve unpaid volunteers. Some of the studies only involve older participants, but many of the studies also include younger and middle-aged adults in order to compare cognitive processes across different age groups.

How to Participate

You can join our Healthy Minds Volunteer List ( to be contacted by researchers about studies for which you may be eligible. If contacted, you would have the opportunity to ask questions and decide whether you want to participate. The researchers might also ask you questions to find out if you are eligible for their study. We would maintain a record of the preferences you state concerning what type of studies you would like to be contacted about and how often you would like to participate in studies.

We would also keep a record of when you were contacted and when you participated in a study so that we do not contact you about studies more often than you would like. No information about your performance in any study would be included in this list and your contact information will be treated in a confidential manner. We will not distribute your information to anyone not affiliated with the USC Healthy Minds research projects.

Completion of the contact information indicates you are interested in being contacted about future studies, but does not obligate you to participate in any study.

Equipo del Programa

Circle silhouette
Investigador Principal
Healthy Minds

For questions about this study, contact:

  • Healthy Minds Researchers

Research study materials

We respect your privacy!

Toda la información que usted nos dé será guardada en una base de datos segura y protegida. Toda la información que usted decida compartir se mantendrá de manera confidencial y privada. Lea la Política de Privacidad de la universidad University of Southern California aquí.