Effects of Oxytocin on Smoking


This study is examining the effects of a hormone called oxytocin on smoking. Oxytocin is a naturally occurring hormone in the brain and throughout the body In this study, oxytocin is experimental and is in the form of a nasal spray. We hope to learn if oxytocin nasal spray will help reduce the urge to smoke.

Palabras clave: smoking, cigarettes

Sitios de estudio

2250 Alcazar St., CSC 270 & 271, Los Angeles, CA 90033

  • Men & Women
Age icon

¿Qué hay involucrado?

Duración del ensayo
  • 3-4 weeks

Número de visitas
  • 4 (1st session = 2.5-3 hours; 2nd-4th sessions = 6-6.5 hours)

  • N/A

  • Electrocardiogram (EKG)

  • Breathalyzer

  • Compensation is available for completion of study visits.

Cobertura de gastos médicos
  • N/A

Why participate?

Los avances médicos son imposibles sin voluntarios.

About This Study

Participants will complete questionnaires, have their breath carbon monoxide levels measured, be administered a breathalyzer, complete an electrocardiogram (EKG) test, and have their heart rate and blood pressure taken. For more questions about this study, please visit smokingstudy.usc.edu or call us at (323) 442-2598.

Equipo del Programa

Aslswhqoswcfbyelvus5 Collaborate with the PI

For questions about this study, contact:

Research study materials

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