Help Us Improve Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer!


Prostate biopsies play a crucial role in deciding whether men with elevated Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) have cancer and whether treatment is needed. Not all forms of prostate cancer require treatment, only those that are worrisome and thus clinically significant. Standard prostate biopsy can miss the most aggressive areas of cancer in the prostate, leading to under-diagnosis of the disease. African American men, who have the highest rates of cancer and a more aggressive form of the disease, are more likely to be misdiagnosed, which contributes to disparities among these men.

Our goal is to improve the detection of clinically significant prostate cancer so that men can make more informed decisions about their treatment and follow-up. We are also looking to reduce disparities in prostate cancer diagnosis among African American men.

In addition to standard prostate biopsy, we will be comparing two new procedures to improve the diagnosis of prostate cancer.

Help us improve the diagnosis of clinically significant prostate cancer and to reduce health disparities between African American and White Men

Palabras clave: prostate, cancer, biopsy, diagnosis, health disparity

Sitios de estudio

Keck Hospital of USC; Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center 90033

Ver todos los sitios de estudio
  • Men
Age icon
40 years old and older

¿Qué hay involucrado?

Duración del ensayo
  • 12-48 months

Número de visitas
  • 5-8

  • None

  • Blood draw

  • MRI

  • Prostate biopsy

  • Compensation is available for completion of study surveys

Cobertura de gastos médicos
  • None. All procedures in this study are part of the standard of care for prostate biopsy

Why participate?

Help #USC researchers improve #prostatecancer diagnosis and reduce #healthdisparities! Volunteer for a #clinicalstudy and be compensated for your time and help. Learn more:


Criterios de inclusión

  • Male
  • Elevated Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)
  • Eligible for prostate biopsy
  • Willing to undergo MRI
  • African-American or White men (Hispanic or Non-Hispanic)
  • 40 years old or older

Criterios de exclusión

  • Had any surgery of the prostate
  • Had a positive prostate biopsy
  • Positive digital rectal exam

About This Study

Most prostate cancer patients are diagnosed with non-aggressive disease, which often does not require any treatment other than follow-up. Men diagnosed with more advanced disease can benefit from early interventions. Therefore, the prostate biopsy plays a crucial role in deciding whether treatment is needed, and if so, which is the best type. Unfortunately, standard biopsy approaches can miss the most aggressive area of cancer, leading to under-diagnosis of disease. This not only compromises treatment for those few who may have aggressive disease, but it can also reduce the confidence of those with indolent disease to avoid treatment. We wish to change the way in which prostate cancer is diagnosed to offer more confidence to men, so that they can make better treatment choices, with confidence and peace of mind. By combining the power of magnetic resonance imaging and more accurate targeted biopsies we hope to improve the detection of clinically significant prostate cancer. This study will allow us to determine which is the best order in which we should add these procedures in order to improve cancer detection. Each arm of the study will include these approaches in a different order. You may or may not receive any personal benefit. We think that by participating in this trial we will be more likely to determine if you have cancer or not as we will be performing additional procedures that have shown to improve cancer detection (MRI, MRI-guided biopsies). However, there is no guarantee you will receive any benefit from taking part in this study.

Study video which is shown to all prospective participants

Click here:

Equipo del Programa

Investigador Principal
Inderbir S. Gill, MD
Investigador Principal
Mariana C. Stern

For questions about this study, contact:

  • Study Coordinator Mustafa Deebajah
  • Detroit, Michigan
  • (313) 916-5643

Research study materials

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