New study seeks to understand how the brain optimizes walking in older adults
The purpose of this study is to understand how people control walking and balance. We are looking for healthy older adults who are interested in joining the study. Participants will walk on a treadmill while using an interactive display that will help them modify their walking pattern. We will determine how these modifications influence oxygen consumption during walking and measures of balance.
Keywords: balance, walking, energy, stability, falls
Study Sites
1540 E. Alcazar St 90033
- Men & Women

What's involved?
Two hours
2 sessions
Walk on the treadmill
Clinical assessment of walking ability
Compensation is available for successful completion of each study visit and on campus parking will be provided.
Must have
- Age range: 55-80 yrs old
- Able to walk on a treadmill for 45 minutes (this will be done in 5, 15 minute intervals)
- Able to provide informed consent
Can't have
- Uncontrolled hypertension
- History of neurological disorders or head trauma
- Orthopedic or pain conditions that limit walking ability
- Asthma that interferes with physical activity
About This Study
We are studying the associations between balance control, energy cost, and walking asymmetry in older adults. This study requires two separate visits to the lab. You will walk on a normal treadmill for several bouts of 5 - 15 minutes in duration for a total of about 45 minutes. Breaks will be included between each block and each visit should take approximately two hours. We will also perform clinical assessments of balance and walking ability.
The Risks
You may become tired or bored while walking on the treadmill but we will offer frequent rest breaks. There is a risk of physical injury from losses of balance or falls, but we will provide a safety harness so that you will not fall in case you lose your balance while walking on the treadmill.
Study Team
For questions about this study, contact:
- Ms. Chang Liu
- 1540 Alcazar St. CHP, Los Angeles, Ca 90033
- 3234420229
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